Leaving Poly

Since I have been back from Burning Man, I have done so much introspection on what I want in my life. Leaving poly is what is good for me and my mental health. I had been having a hard time with poly and how it fit in my life since I was will Belle.

I don’t really have any issues with the idea on paper. Really the only relationship I had within poly that looked OK and functionally worked was when I was with Miss M. Her polycule provided a safe space and allowed me to feel welcome at any given time. Even my kids were around and knew them. This was the 1st time in the poly-verse that I didn’t feel like a burden, didn’t feel like I was less then other partners, or that I was never not good enough for love. She in a way pushed me to look at my life and what I really wanted out of a relationship. She was kind, loving, and someone I will hold dear to my heart for a long long long time.

I started dating again and I found myself in the throes of internet dating, worrying that a single mom would just be good enough for a good time. Someone would freak the F out that I had not just 1 but 2 young kiddos. I put myself out there and I found someone. He is smart, sweet, passionate, tough in a good way 😉 We jive well together, in many different ways. We spend a fair amount of time with one another and it seems like it is never enough and or a burden. Coming from relationships where I was told I was too much or that I was too intense, I find myself asking him often if he is tired of me yet? He looks at me with soft eyes and says “No, Baby I am not tired of you” then smiles. He holds me and tells me I am beautiful when I need it, he lets me “leak” from my eyeballs and doesn’t freak out on me. He makes sure to tell everyone we meet that I am his and he always says “Isn’t she cute, I sure got lucky”

I find myself to be the lucky one in this case. One might say the relationship is moving fast, but honestly who cares it is not forced and it just feels right. We are moving with out reservations, without worrying about others, we are doing what we like and want. It might be a honeymoon phase or huge amounts of NRE, but I don’t see that changing he makes dating him easy and fun and exciting. One might even say I am falling in love with the man.

Long nights, Self doubt, lots of crying

I have had some long long night this past weekend. Really since Thursday if I am going to be 100% honest. I’m having some major self doubt in all the things I do, from work, to relationships, to even being a mom. I am sure it is all being amplified by lack of sleep. But it still sucks and it is not fun! I talked to Belle on Saturday night Sunday morning. It was a good talk, but also very emotionally charged and I think I would say needed.(well for me anyway) I am hopeful that we can work from it and work with the requests that were stated and come out stronger in the long run. I love them a lot. I would hate to loose them. I know people change and life takes people in all sorts of directions but it doesn’t make it any easier when things come up that need to be addressed, or the overwhelming fear of I let them see me in this super vulnerable place, I know they are going to think I am crazy just like I was told time and time again in the past. Then they are going to leave they can do better. Blah blah blah my brain I tell you rabbit hole after rabbit hole. It is like the worlds best amusement park ride up in there. Sunday I threw my youngest son’s b-day party. I woke up looking like I had been crying all night and or I got stung by bees on my eyes. I somehow managed to make myself look “normal” and my family had no idea. When my ex walked through the door to bring me the kids before the party, I wanted to grab him and hug him and have him tell me it would be OK, horrible idea mind you; but something I still wanted in that brief moment. Once everyone left I was able to breath again. I drew a bath, and soaked while my kids sat on my bed and watched YouTube videos. My oldest came in and checked in on me and told me not to cry a few times. I politely stated that crying was OK and that sometimes it is what is needed. Bedtime rolled around and I tucked them in and then crawled into my own bed and snuggled into all my pillows (I have like 12) and my blankets and turned on a horrible TV Drama so I could laugh and cry and smile at the same time till sleep took me away.

This morning I woke up feeling like I was hit with a mac truck. I somehow made it into the office and am doing my best to make it through my day. We will see how the day unfolds! All the best to you out there!

Brunch, Wedding, and Out of blue messages

This weekend was once again jammed packed full of things. All the things. I swear I will make weekend for myself sooner or later.

Friday night I went to the spooky club of Seattle: The Mercury. I had so much fun. I danced my heart out. Ran into a lot of people I already knew. Had great conversations and looked at all the pretty people. I was so thankful for T to take me, it helped with the huge amounts of FOMO I was and have been feeling as of late.

Saturday I went to brunch with Belle and their Sister and other partner that was awesome. We had great foods and drinks and then wandered around Pike Place Market for a while. I was proud of myself I walked up all the stairs from the waterfront up to the market <3.  My ankle hated me afterwards but eh I pushed on till I could get home and soak in the tub. When I got home I did just that, I soaked in the tub and ate some edibles. I got a message from a dear friend who asked if I wanted to go get margaritas and tacos in Cap Hill. So I drove back down to Seattle a little while later and got to ride on the Street Car/Trolley for the 1st time ever. We had tacos and hung out with some other friends of ours who stopped in. It was a great time.

I woke up on Sunday and got ready for the wedding I was attending. It was the most beautiful Queer packed wedding ever. I loved all the people, all the dancing, and the food was great too. I loved having Belle be my date. I got to hold their hand and when I looked at them earlier in the night, it was like slow motion. I love them to the moon and back. They are brilliant, a brat, and so so loving. They are home to me! I plan on keeping them. When I got them home we sat in the driveway for a while and I told them about some envy stuff I was dealing with surrounding them. They listened, didn’t judge me or tell me it was all in my head. They helped me talk through some of it. I am thankful for that. I know I have more to work through personally but it was a start.

This morning I got a message from Estaban a FB/FWB person whom I have had in my life for 5 yrs. We stopped playing and talking about a year ago. I told him, I was sad he ghosted on me and it was a fucked up thing to do. He said he was so so sorry as he didn’t want to hurt me. He ended up in a relationship that was very mono and didn’t know how to tell me or bring it up.  I told him to just be honest with me and I would be honest with him. We are going to get frozen yogurt tomorrow night and talk. I missed him, and I missed the sex omg have I missed the sex with him. This is the longest relationship I have had since I was married. I was able to just have a sexy time relationship with no expectations of wanting more than that from him. It is not messy, complicated, or stressful. It is awesome!

Back to the daily grind. I hope this smoke and stuff clears out soon it is messing with my kids and my ability to breath.




Whirlwind of a Weekend

Man o man I am exhausted and I wish I could sleep all day long..

Friday on my lunch I went and got a haircut to support a friend who is going through beauty school. Then Belle came up and surprised me before I left for Canada. I don’t know if they realize that them showing up meant a lot to me. Like a lot a lot. We hung out for 30 or so mins. Then I started my drive up to Canada for the night. I got in around 8:15pm not to bad I left at 5:30pm so I did alright on timing. When I got there we went and got food, and walked around Blackie Spit. I watched boys jump off the pier and then whine that they were wet and it was cold. I laughed and rolled my eyes. I mean what do you expect when jumping into WATER?? You are going to get WET!!! We went and got Tim Horton’s the honey dip doughnuts are the only ones I am able to eat yay for no eggs. We went back to the house I was staying at and passed out around 12am.

Saturday I woke up at 8:00 ate bacon and then we started our journey around Vancouver. It was great. I loved all the shops and randomness of it all. Then we went swimming at Spanish Banks Beach I got a little sunburn but it was well worth it. We got back to the house around 3:00pm and I took off for home. I got home around 5:15 and drew up a bubble bath and relaxed for about an hour before I had to be up and put on clothes and make up for my date with J. I left the house around 7:15pm to be in Seattle by 8. I had to park about .5 mile away on Cap Hill. But I got the tavern and got a glass of water and ate some food since I really hadn’t eaten since Breakfast. He messaged me he was running a little behind so I was able to breath and relax a little more before he got there. I am not sure that was a good thing or not. I started to over analyze my outfit, my wants out of the date, and my make up and all the other little things. I didn’t want to be too flirty or act like I was trying to push his boundaries, but I wanted to be cute and fun, I didn’t want him to think I was trying to hard to get into his pants, even though deep down inside I did want in them.

I walked toward where he parked and we met on the corner of Aloha and 14th. He saw me and smiled and then grabbed me and kissed me. I didn’t realize that is what I needed from him till then. It helped erase all the fears I was having about myself. We walked around the park and looked at all the art pieces and lights and talked about what each piece of art meant to each of us. It was a lot of fun. We both were not sober at one point but that was fun and exciting, we held hands and just enjoyed each others company. We wandered aimlessly through the park and it was great. Around like 12am J decided we needed Nachos so we walked around cap hill to find nachos. It started to rain and it was great I may have danced in the rain. 🙂 We ate people watched and then walked uphill to my car. We sat there in silence for  a little while and listened to the rain and then we went on an adventure to find his truck. Once we found where he parked we made out in the car and it was glorious. I wanted to take off his pants and pull him into the back seat and do very very naughty things to him but I just giggled and said “I want you” I got a I want you back but next time. I smiled and said ok. I went home and passed the f out. I slept in till 930. Then passed back out around 12 till 4:30. Sunday was a day of sleep and chores kinda.

Now back to the daily grind. I am wearing thin of the work thing. I need a longer break than just the weekend. But it is what it is.

Poly Feels!!

I am feeling like I am not cut out for Poly.. I have these moments of self doubt and usually they go hand in hand with depression so I guess I should have guessed this was going to be a thing.

I am missing the companionship of having a primary type of person. Someone I can come home to and tell them about my day. Someone to lay next to me throughout the night I miss that the most.. I miss being able to snuggle with someone when I am feeling sad or you know when you wake up in that sleepy state just to snuggle in closer to someone or when you kiss them awake? Someone I can cry on when I need to cry. Someone who is going to be there when I need it. But then someone who will also let me do my things and give me space when I need and or want it.  I constantly feel 2nd best. Not good enough to be 1st for someone. Maybe my circle is just to narrow and clique like. I don’t know.. Dating scares me and is nerve wracking and I need to feel 100% Fuck Yes about someone in order to put my time into a relationship.

I have date night with Belle tonight. I am looking forward to seeing them, I am also feeling blah about it honestly.. We haven’t really talked since last week and today was the 1st day we said more than 1 word to each other. So I am feeling like they don’t want me around or something like that.. Blarggg stupid brain.

How my weekend actually turned out! NSFW/Kink

Friday night was great. Belle and I went and got foods and drinks at Lunchbox Laboratory. So yummy. We then went to the dispensary, I picked up some candies to try they were on sale for like 3 dollars a piece so I figured it wouldn’t hurt if I didn’t like them. We grabbed a horrible Redbox movie (50 Shades Darker) we mainly got it to mock it and tear it apart. Once we were done with the movie we curled up in bed and had some much needed cuddles and quality time. Belle made me breakfast and got me coffee in the morning it was awesome. I was going to go hiking with them but my ankle was still super sore and I didn’t think it would have been a good idea. I went home and got slightly high and soaked in the tub with my golden bath bomb. I then got out and got ready to go see Fun Home with Blondie, Belle, and a few other people I know rather well. Blondie, Belle and I met up for drinks and appetizers before the show it was amazing and the food omg the food. We had these caramelized  cauliflower florets with a Gorgonzola sauce.  Thinking about it makes my mouth water. When we got to the Theater we found out seats and waited for the show to start. I got a message from J it was so much full of adorable and cute. Made me blush and turn about as bright as my dress. The show started a little later than it was supposed to so I didn’t get out when I thought. It was 10 by the time we were outside. The show was a lot more emotionally packed then I thought it was going to be. So I messaged Turlan and I let him know that I didn’t want to have him over as I wasn’t in the mind frame to host anyone. He didn’t take it all that well. It made me feel guilty and like a horrible person. Then Blondie reminded me that I don’t need to bend my feelings to accommodate the feelings if others if it going to mean that I am less than someone. I also was not feeling the FUCK yes I want to hang out with you tonight. I want to feel the FUCK yes, and it is not there. It took like 20-30 min’s to get out of the parking garage and once I got out I had this overwhelming urge to run away and not go home. I messaged J and asked if he was up for some company.

I drove the 45 min’s out to MV and when I got there we sat on the couch and talked about all the things. He is such a great conversationalist and we jive really well. I really enjoy his company. We had a drink and then he asked me if I would give him a massage. We moved upstairs and turned on some EDM. I grabbed the coconut oil and he laid on the bed face down and I began to rub him down, his skin was silky smooth and shiny from all the coconut oil. I traced my fingers all over his muscles and tattoos. I then asked him to roll over. He was there lying open and fully exposed and it was delectable. I rubbed him arms and hands and then I traced his pecks and chest muscles. I then kissed him up and down his body to tease him I mean why not right? I could hear in his breathing that he wanted it, he wanted me to take him in my mouth and pleasure him the way he had the 1st time we played. I kissed closer and closer to his cock and then I kissed the head, then slowly took him all in my mouth. He gasped with pleasure and I felt myself become more wet then I was just moments prior. I got between his legs and laid on the bed and continued to pleasure him. I looked at him with my fuck me eyes and he moaned. He grabbed my hair and pushed me back down on him. I sat up for just a moment to adjust my dress to allow my breasts to be out and accessible. I continued to give him a blow job for about 20 min’s or so then when I  took a quick break he grabbed me by the shoulders and threw me onto the bed. He lifted up my skirt to see my wet pussy. He slipped his fingers in me and finger fucked me while he ate me out. After a while he sat up and looked at me and said I am going to fuck that little pussy. I think I said yes please and thank you in a jumbled mess. He grabbed my legs and pulled my ass to the edge of the bed. He rammed into me making me loose my breath. I felt full and stretched. He pushed my legs father apart then they had been in a really long time. I grabbed my boobs and he grabbed my wrists as leverage. Then pounded the fuck out of me. I mean pounded like how you would take a meat tenderizer mallet to a steak. It was glorious and so much what I wanted. He pushed my hands above my head and I tried to push back and that made him push harder back at me. He had this smile and primal look in his eyes. I was his play toy. He could do anything he wanted to me. I wrapped my legs around him and squeezed my thighs together as tightly as I could. So he bent me over and teased me slowly and then went back to fucking me silly.  Next thing I knew I was face first in the mattress, while he had a handful of my hair. I clenched my pussy as tight as I could around his cock. He gasped with pleasure and I was riding the wave, of orgasms over and over. He pushed deep in me when he came. It was mind blowing and exciting. When he pulled out he had me stay on all fours and finger fucked me harder till I squirted all over his hands. Once my legs gave out he laid next to me and we basked it the awesomeness that was just had. I was giggly and happy and uber relaxed and for the 1st time that night I was not in my head. I looked at the clock and noticed it was 2:30 and I put on my clothes and I drove home. I got home at roughly 4am. I passed the fuck out.

I woke up in a panic thinking I had missed the alarm to go meet Belle and the new person they are seeing. I hopped into the shower and got dress and flew out the door. I was mainly quiet throughout dinner. I was trying to figure out who this person is that Belle is super into. I was watching how he interacted with the rest of us. We left around 12:30 and then went to my bondage/impact date.

When I got to W’s we went down to the dungeon. I was in my cute purple shorts and no top. He gave me a beautiful rope chest harness. I forgot how much I loved the feel of rope on my skin. He then took my hands and tied them together and trussed them up to the hook in front of me. Making me look like I was reaching out for something. Then he took my ankle and pulled it up and back behind me leaving me balancing on one leg. Then he beat me with some leather straps, his fists, and feet. All the kicks and punches and slaps were intoxicating. I hit sub space, quicker than I have ever in a long long while. I began to cry and my body was shaking. I felt higher than ever  almost invisible. I drove home and took a nap before having to go get my kids.

Now I am laying in the tub with tears running down my face, sore, and bruised. I have not had sub space hit me this hard or this quickly in a long time. So there is that.

What do I want?

As of late I am kinda have been all over the place in things I want. The only real constant thing would be sex. I enjoy that part of me. I like to be sexual and experience new people and things. When it comes to things like relationships new and old I am having a hard time figuring out where I fit in their lives and how much time I can give out of my already crazy life. I am pretty sure I have more love to give and share with people who want it. I am open to finding someone who is a “primary”, someone I can reach out to more and ask for help with out feeling like I am taking away time from other people. That is why I put Primary in quotes because really I am my primary. I don’t know what I would call it. But I digress.

Last night I took my kids on the Ferry we went and had dinner and drove the Island all the way up and back around rather than waiting for 2 hours for the ferry home. I had time to think a lot about what I need in a relationship.

  1. Communication
  2. Words or affirmation ( I hate asking for it because then I feel it is not genuine )
  3. Sex not all the time but tell me if we are in a dry spell that you still want me that I excite you just so I don’t end up down the rabbit hole that I am not good enough for you and it is all me.
  4. Touch
  5. Quality time alone. I enjoy dates that include others too but sometimes I like 1 on 1 dates.
  6. Surprise me by showing up to take a nap with me or just to stop in and say hi even if only for 30-45 min that makes me so so happy and makes me feel like I am or have been on your mind. Or being spontaneous once in a while I am very much a spontaneous person and enjoy the thrill of just doing something because I can.
  7. Someone who is excited to be with me like I am to be with them / willing to plan things out with me so I have things to look forward to. This helps me a lot if we don’t talk a whole lot.

Really the only one on the list , #1 is non negotiable in anyway. If there is not going to be communication then I am sorry no matter how much I like you, how good the sex is, etc… I am going to have to find someone who can give me that. The others can be bent to fit our relationship in any way with a little give and a little take. This list is going to be ever changing for the most part minus the big one. But I am glad I was able to think about it a little this weekend. Now on to a new week, new adventures, and more debauchery. 🙂